Mollie Woodhouse

Travel Planner

My name is Mollie Woodhouse, wife to Ben and a stay at home mom to a precious baby girl. I graduated with my undergraduate degree from Mississippi State University, and went on to earn my MBA from Millsaps College. My passion for Disney planning ignited when we took a big family vacation Thanksgiving of 2019. There were 13 of us, and no one knew what to expect! After hours of research, my husband and I were able to step in to plan aspects of the vacation and had fun doing it! I am passionate about setting clients up for success with tips, tricks, and Disney knowledge. I am a self-proclaimed Disney foodie and always love trying new snacks and meals to recommend to clients. Disney World and traveling in general can be quite overwhelming, so it is essential to have a trustworthy and knowledgeable travel planner! Mollie specializes in Walt Disney World Vacations with an emphasis on adult only trips, girls trips, and large family trips!